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How can I optimize these T-SQL queries?

I have four sql variables that were calculated in the exact same way, except one condition on each query :

  C.CenterID = @CenterID
  C.CenterNo IN (SELECT CenterNo from Registry.Vol1_5)
  C.CenterNo IN (SELECT CenterNo from Registry.Vol6_10)
  C.CenterNo IN (SELECT CenterNo from Registry.Vol11)

My code is here:

DECLARE @MyCenterAllComplications INT;
DECLARE @Total5AllComplications INT;
DECLARE @Total6_10AllComplications INT;
DECLARE @Total11AllComplications INT;   

SET @MyCenterAllComplications = (SELECT count(*) FROM ECLS.Runs R

 INNER JOIN Registry.Patients P on R.PatientId = P.PatientId
 INNER JOIN Registry.CenterPatients CP ON CP.PatientId = P.PatientId
 INNER JOIN Registry.Centers C on C.CenterId = CP.CenterId

where 1 = 1

 AND NOT R.RunId IN (select RD.RunId from ECLS.RunDetails RD 
  INNER JOIN ECLS.ModeCodes MC ON RD.Mode = MC.Code AND MC.Abbreviation IN ('AVCO2R', 'VVCO2R')
 AND C.CenterID = @CenterID
 AND R.SupportType = @SupportType
 AND NOT R.CompletedBy IS NULL
 AND DATEDIFF(year, R.timeOn, GETDATE()) < 10
 AND DATEDIFF(day, P.Birthdate, R.timeOn) <= 30

SET @Total5AllComplications = (SELECT count(*) FROM ECLS.Runs R

 INNER JOIN Registry.Patients P on R.PatientId = P.PatientId
 INNER JOIN Registry.CenterPatients CP ON CP.PatientId = P.PatientId
 INNER JOIN Registry.Centers C on C.CenterId = CP.CenterId

where 1 = 1

 AND NOT R.RunId IN (select RD.RunId from ECLS.RunDetails RD 
  INNER JOIN ECLS.ModeCodes MC ON RD.Mode = MC.Code AND MC.Abbreviation IN ('AVCO2R', 'VVCO2R')
 AND C.CenterNo IN (SELECT CenterNo from Registry.Vol1_5)
 AND R.SupportType = @SupportType
 AND NOT R.CompletedBy IS NULL
 AND DATEDIFF(year, R.timeOn, GETDATE()) < 10
 AND DATEDIFF(day, P.Birthdate, R.timeOn) <= 30

SET @Total6_10AllComplications = (SELECT count(*) FROM ECLS.Runs R

 INNER JOIN Registry.Patients P on R.PatientId = P.PatientId
 INNER JOIN Registry.CenterPatients CP ON CP.PatientId = P.PatientId
 INNER JOIN Registry.Centers C on C.CenterId = CP.CenterId

where 1 = 1

 AND NOT R.RunId IN (select RD.RunId from ECLS.RunDetails RD 
  INNER JOIN ECLS.ModeCodes MC ON RD.Mode = MC.Code AND MC.Abbreviation IN ('AVCO2R', 'VVCO2R')
 AND C.CenterNo IN (SELECT CenterNo from Registry.Vol6_10)
 AND R.SupportType = @SupportType
 AND NOT R.CompletedBy IS NULL
 AND DATEDIFF(year, R.timeOn, GETDATE()) < 10
 AND DATEDIFF(day, P.Birthdate, R.timeOn) <= 30

 SET @Total11AllComplications = (SELECT count(*) FROM ECLS.Runs R

 INNER JOIN Registry.Patients P on R.PatientId = P.PatientId
 INNER JOIN Registry.CenterPatients CP ON CP.PatientId = P.PatientId
 INNER JOIN Registry.Centers C on C.CenterId = CP.CenterId

where 1 = 1

 AND NOT R.RunId IN (select RD.RunId from ECLS.RunDetails RD 
  INNER JOIN ECLS.ModeCodes MC ON RD.Mode = MC.Code AND MC.Abbreviation IN ('AVCO2R', 'VVCO2R')
 AND C.CenterNo IN (SELECT CenterNo from Registry.Vol11)
 AND R.SupportType = @SupportType
 AND NOT R.CompletedBy IS NULL
 AND DATEDIFF(year, R.timeOn, GETDATE()) < 10
 AND DATEDIFF(day, P.Birthdate, R.timeOn) <= 30

How can I calculate all these variables


At the same time, by using one query? Thank you in advance for any help.


  • SELECT count(cID.ID)
         , count(Registry.Vol1_5.CenterNo)
         , count(Registry.Vol6_10.CenterNo)
         , count(on Registry.Vol11.CenterNo)
    FROM ECLS.Runs R
    INNER JOIN Registry.Patients P 
            on R.PatientId = P.PatientId
           AND R.SupportType = @SupportType
           AND NOT R.CompletedBy IS NULL
           AND NOT R.TimeOn IS NULL
           AND DATEDIFF(year, R.timeOn, GETDATE()) < 10
           AND DATEDIFF(day, P.Birthdate, R.timeOn) <= 30
           AND NOT R.RunId IN (select RD.RunId 
                               from ECLS.RunDetails RD 
                               INNER JOIN ECLS.ModeCodes MC 
                                ON RD.Mode = MC.Code 
                               AND MC.Abbreviation IN ('AVCO2R', 'VVCO2R')
    INNER JOIN Registry.CenterPatients CP ON CP.PatientId = P.PatientId
    INNER JOIN Registry.Centers C on C.CenterId = CP.CenterId 
    LEFT JOIN (select @CenterID as ID
              ) cID
                 on cID.ID                   = C.CenterNo 
    LEFT JOIN Registry.Vol1_5
                on Registry.Vol1_5.CenterNo  = C.CenterNo 
    LEFT JOIN Registry.Vol6_10
                on Registry.Vol6_10.CenterNo = C.CenterNo 
    LEFT JOIN Registry.Vol11
                on Registry.Vol11.CenterNo   = C.CenterNo