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Where to find Percona Configuration file?

Recently I have installed Percona 5.7.12 in my linux box but I have not found any configuration file(like my.cnf for mysql) where i can set/modify global variables. I want to change the values of default system variables like 'sql_mode', password_policy etc.I tried setting values like *SET GLOBAL sql_mode = 'ALLOW_INVALID_DATES';* but after restart of mysqld instance, it seems old default values are retained.How can I set those values permanently so that modified values are retained??? Any help would be appreciated.


  • According to Percona's install guide, the config file should be located under /etc/my.cnf:

    Percona Server stores the data files in /var/lib/mysql/ by default. You can find the configuration file that is used to manage Percona Server in /etc/my.cnf.

    If there is no such file in the /etc directory, then you can create it yourself and set any config parameters there. Parameters in the config file are preserved across MySQL system restarts.