Is it possible to get a value from the dataLayer, modify it and push it back to the dataLayer?
I used this custom HTML for that, but it returns NaN (Not a Number), thoughts?
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
'roomcount' : 6*('roomcount').float()
If roomcount is currently in the dataLayer (for precisions sake: if it is in the dataLayer and you access it via a GTM variable) you need to use double curly brackets to access it, i.e. {{roomcount}}
. Currently you are applying your calls to the literal string "roomcount", which does not result in a number (also, is there really a float() method for numbers in JS ? Currently I can only think of parseFloat which has a different syntax).
Also you need a (native or custom) event to make GTM aware of changes to the dataLayer.