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Parsing into a set using boost spirit x3

I am interested in if there is a way to parse into a set using boost spirit x3. the background is I have a string of tokens, each token represents a enum value, now i want to create a parser which parses if every every token is at most once in the string, it would be a charm if I could get all the parsed tokens into a std::set while parsing. To get the enums back from the parsed string I am using a symbol_table:

enum class foo{bar, baz, bla, huh};

    struct enum_table : x3::symbols<foo> {
        enum_table() {
            add("bar", foo::bar)
                    ("baz", foo::baz)
                    ("huh", foo::huh);
    } const enum_parser;


  • I am interested in if there is a way to parse into a set using boost spirit x3.

    Spirit can parse into std::set<> out of the box (at least as of Boost 1.61.0), so the following already works with the types you've shown:

    std::set<foo> foos;
        input.begin(), input.end(),

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    To get your parser to fail upon encountering duplicates, this is most easily accomplished with semantic actions:

    std::set<foo> foos;
    auto insert_foo_or_fail = [&foos](auto& ctx) {
        _pass(ctx) = foos.insert(_attr(ctx)).second;
        input.begin(), input.end(),

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