I have an excel file where I have to change Katakana characters to Hiragana. I've been using StrConv
+ vbHiragana
for some time, however, it is really slow since I am using it in a range for a 1000 rows (two times). After searching around, I've found the following code, which seems like a different approach and looks really fast. My only problem is, that it only works if I select the specified row and column (e.g. from A1:A10
) and then if I run it, it does the job perfectly. I need to tweak this so it automatically does it in a range and displays the results on a different sheet. (From A1:A1000
+ D1:D1000
Like this:
Here is the code I've found:
Sub Comm()
Dim i, gyos, retus, rwsu As Integer
Dim KATA, HIRA As String
gyos = ActiveCell.Row
retus = ActiveCell.Column
rwsu = Selection.Rows.Count - 1
For n = gyos To gyos + rwsu
KATA = Cells(n, retus)
HIRA = StrConv(KATA, 32)
Cells(n, retus) = HIRA
Next n
End Sub
Anyone knows a way around this?
Thank you!
Like what findwindow suggested, just set your own range and use that in the for
Dim row as Integer
For row = 1 to 1000
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("B" & row).Value = StrConv(Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B" & row).Value, 32)
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("D" & row).Value = StrConv(Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D" & row).Value, 32)
Next row