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how to use COALESCE in an inner join statement in sql

im planning to use COALESCE in my problem. All i want is to have values separated by commas in a single column. here is my statement:

select p.[name], cd.CustomerName, cd.CustomerEmailID
   ,cd.TotalPrice,cd.OrderDateTime, cd.PaymentMethod 
FROM CustomerDetails cd 
Inner Join CustomerProducts cp ON cp.CustomerID = cd.Id 
Inner Join Products p ON cp.ProductID = p.ProductID

and it will give me this

enter image description here

now i want the product column to have a result of

carbon dioxied,industrial oxygen

since they are in the same ID.

please me help me out. thank you so much

UPDATE: fiddle enter image description here

UPDATE: current statement but still gives me the same result.

use ShoppingCartDB
      STUFF((SELECT ',' + p.[name]
             FROM  Products p
             WHERE cp.ProductID = p.ProductID
             FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','nvarchar(max)'),1,1,'') AS Name
     , cd.CustomerName, cd.CustomerEmailID
     ,cd.TotalPrice,cd.OrderDateTime, cd.PaymentMethod 
FROM CustomerDetails cd 
Inner Join CustomerProducts cp ON cp.CustomerID = cd.Id 


          STUFF((SELECT ',' + p.[name]
                 FROM  Products p
                 WHERE cp.ProductID = p.ProductID
                 FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','nvarchar(max)'),1,1,'') AS Name
         , cd.CustomerName, cd.CustomerEmailID
         ,cd.TotalPrice,cd.OrderDateTime, cd.PaymentMethod 
    FROM CustomerDetails cd 
    Inner Join CustomerProducts cp ON cp.CustomerID = cd.Id