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How can I make a JButton activate a compareTo function?

This is a bit embarrassing. I have a compareTo function that I intend to use on a JButton, so when the user presses it they can see which is the highest ranked object. I already have a Listener class for the JButton but I don't know how to make the Listener use the compareTo function because it needs two parameters.

This is my compareTo function:

public int compareTo(Film film1, Film film2) {
    if (film1.getFinalScore() < film2.getFinalScore()) return -1;
    if (film1.getFinalScore() > film2.getFinalScore()) return 1;
    return 0;


And this is the actionPerformed function in the Listener class:

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {, null);


The Auto-correct suggested to put the parameters to null to make it work, but it's obviously never as simple as the Auto-Correct suggests.

So, how can I make the Listener perform the compareTo function using all of my objects to list them from highest to lowest?

Thanks in advance!


  • As you need to compare 2 Films together you can do that in Film Class by implementing Comparable<Film> then implementing the compareTo method in the class.

    After That , Hold your films in any collection as ArrayList then simply call Collections.max(films) to get the max film object in the list.

    Here is the a Film class for demonstration:

    public class Film implements Comparable<Film>{
      int finalScore ;
      public Film(int finalScore){
          this.finalScore = finalScore;
      public int getFinalScore(){
          return this.finalScore;
      public int compareTo(Film film2) {
          if (this.getFinalScore() < film2.getFinalScore()) return -1;
          if (this.getFinalScore() > film2.getFinalScore()) return 1;
          return 0;

    And this is the main :

    public static void main(String[] args) {
            ArrayList<Film> films = new ArrayList<>();
            films.add(new Film(100));
            films.add(new Film(400));
            films.add(new Film(200));
            films.add(new Film(300));
            System.out.println(Collections.max(films).getFinalScore());//prints 400     

    So your actionPerformed will be like this

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        Film maxFilm = Collections.max(films);
        //then use maxFilm object to do anything you need