I am trying to write a bullet list in markdown table, however I am unable to do so. I tried the solutions given here, and here.
I am writing the following table in bitbuckets readme.md file.
| **Date** | **A** | **B**
| 2016 | Something | <ul><li>A</li><li>B</li><li>C</li></ul>
Every row of column B contains a bullet list of 2 items. How can I achieve this ? What am I missing ? Please let me know. Thanks in advance.
I used the answer given by @Dorgrin in the post mentioned as a possible duplicate. Even while using that I was not able to get a list displayed. What I was shown was html code as plain text in the third column which is not the intended effect.
Bitbucket is lagging behind on supported features. Apparently they allow html in markdown README files, but they decided not to support it in snippets.
I say "apparently" because I just tried it, and it doesn't even work. See this repo.
I decided to ask them a question about this. You can follow further developments here
On a more positive note, what you had works well on Github as you can see here:
| **Date** | **A** | **B**
| 2016 | Something | <ul><li>A</li><li>B</li></ul><ul><li>C</li></ul> |
<script src="https://gist.github.com/smac89/bc0ff6c7e41396293367b00df626317b.js"></script>