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PhalconPHP. Render volt template to variable

I'd like to generate html code from volt template to variable. How to do this?

$this->view->setVar('foo', $bar);
$html = $this->view->???


  • There are many different ways to load the content of your views into a variable.

    One way is to return the output of your view as a string by calling render on your $view.
    This will only load the specific view and not the template.

    $this->view->setVar('foo', $bar);
    $html = $this->view->getRender('controller', 'action');

    An other option to load your view (with a template):

    $this->view->setVar('foo', 'test');
    $this->view->setTemplateAfter('default'); // template name
    $this->view->render('controller', 'action');
    $html = $this->view->getContent();

    In the documentation you can also find other ways to achieve this.