I am working on an application where a user can filter records by categories.
A record must have 1 but can have many categories. (1-*)
The question I have is, What can I do to improve this search? It currently runs at about an O(n^3) for the following reason:
A transaction may have many records (1-many) A record may have many categories (1-many) Iterate through the categories selected for searching
The basic outline of what I am doing is the following:
retrieve all announcements
if(startDate and endDate have values)
model = model.Where(x => x.WADate >= start.Value && x.WADate <= end.Value).ToList();
if(queryString is not null)
model = model.Where(
x => x.WANum.Contains(query) ||
|| x.Topic.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Contains(query)
if (selectedCategories.Count > 0)
bool HasMatch;
foreach (var ancmt in announcements)
HasMatch = false;
foreach (var cat in selectedCategories)
foreach (var xref in ancmt.waXref)
if (cat.ID == xref.WACategoryID)
HasMatch = true;
model.Add(new EditViewModel
WATypeID = ancmt.WATypeID,
WANum = ancmt.WANum,
WATypeName = ancmt.waType.WATypeDescription,
Link = ancmt.Link,
Tooltip = ancmt.Tooltip,
Topic = ancmt.Topic,
WADate = ancmt.WADate,
WAID = ancmt.WAID,
x => model.Last().Categories.Add(
new CategoryViewModel { ID = x.WACategoryID, Name = x.waCategory.WACategory, IsSelected = false }));
// If no catgories were selected, keep all announcements for next stage of search
foreach (var ancmt in announcements)
model.Add(new EditViewModel
WATypeID = ancmt.WATypeID,
WANum = ancmt.WANum,
WATypeName = ancmt.waType.WATypeDescription,
Link = ancmt.Link,
Tooltip = ancmt.Tooltip,
Topic = ancmt.Topic,
WADate = ancmt.WADate,
WAID = ancmt.WAID,
x => model.Last().Categories.Add(
new CategoryViewModel { ID = x.WACategoryID, Name = x.waCategory.WACategory, IsSelected = false }));
I am using Method syntax, not query and prefer to stay in method syntax.
For any real performance gains it would be best to create specific Stored Procedures to handle the true heavy lifting processing in the database and not on the client PC.