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How to implement ManyToMany relationship in MyBatis?

I'm recently learning to develop Web Applications using Java frameworks.

The application is just a basic register/login/logout system. Guests can register an account and login as a common user. Besides common user, there're two other roles super admin and admin, with their respective permissions/previleges.

An Account could own several Roles simultaneously, and of course a Role can be applied to many Accounts. And that forms a many-to-many(or n-to-to) relationship between Account and Role.

I've maintained three tables in my database:

  • First, the ACCOUNT table, which stores information of an account except the account's roles;
  • Second, the ROLE table, which stores information about how many Roles there are. Currently, there are only three, "Superuser", "Admin" and "Common User";
  • Third one, the ACCOUNT_ROLE table, which stores the mapping between ACCOUNT and ROLE.

I can implement this using Hibernate's @ManyToMany and @JoinTable annotations, if I do so, the third table can be automatically managed by Hibernate. For example, when I create an Account of Common User, hibernate will help me add an entry which contains the AccountId and RoleId into the third table; and when I delete this Account, hibernate will help me drop the corresponding entry in the third table.

And, the question is How can I implement this many-to-many relationship in MyBatis?

I've read some materials introducing how to set up one-to-one or one-to-many relationship in MyBatis. But it seems that MyBatis doesn't have the many-to-many relationship like Hibernate. So what am I gonna do?

My raw idea is Manage The Third Table Manually, which means:

  • I have to add entries to the third table manually, when I create a new account
  • I have to remove/update corresponding entries manually, when I delete/update an account

Since I'm not really that familiar with MyBatis, this way is the only idea I can come up with now.

I hope someone could give me some tips or ideas or concrete samples about rounding off this problem.

PLUS: I've the demo application's code on github, in case you need to see how this demo goes. Many thanks!


  • User story

    First, MyBatis generate model, mapper, and mapper.xml for you.

    Now, if you have two models -- User & Role
    What's the relationship between User and Role?

    A user have many roles, and a role can be authorized to many users. So they are many-to-many relationship.

    How to implement?

    • add List roles to User model

        private List<Role> roles = new ArrayList<>();
    • add List users to Role model

        private List<User> users = new ArrayList<>();
    • make a UserRoleMapper interface to add some methods

        package com.jim.mapper;
        import com.jim.model.Role;
        import com.jim.model.User;
        import java.util.List;
        public interface UserRoleMapper {
            int deleteRole(long userId, long roleId);
            int addRole(long userId, long roleId);
            List<Role> getRoles(long userId);
            List<User> getUsers(long roleId);
    • add a xml to mapping SQL & result.

        <resultMap id="UserResultMap" type="com.jim.model.Role">
            <id column="id" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="id"/>
            <result column="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="name"/>
            <collection javaType="ArrayList" property="users" resultMap="RoleResultMap" />
        <resultMap id="RoleResultMap" type="com.jim.model.User">
            <id column="id" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="id"/>
            <result column="username" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="username"/>
            <collection javaType="ArrayList" property="roles" resultMap="UserResultMap" />
        <insert id="addRole">
            INSERT INTO user_role (userId, roleId)
            VALUES (#{userId, jdbcType=BIGINT}, #{roleId, jdbcType=BIGINT});
        <delete id="deleteRole" >
            DELETE FROM user_role
            WHERE 1=1
            AND userId=#{userId}
            AND roleId=#{roleId}
        <select id="getRoles" resultMap="UserResultMap">
   AS id, AS name
            FROM users AS  u
            LEFT JOIN user_role AS ur ON = ur.userId
            LEFT JOIN roles AS r ON = ur.roleId
            WHERE 1=1
              AND = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}
              AND r.isActive = 1
              AND u.isActive = 1
        <select id="getUsers" resultMap="RoleResultMap">
   AS id, u.username AS username
            FROM roles AS  r
            LEFT JOIN user_role AS ur ON = ur.roleId
            LEFT JOIN users AS u ON = ur.userId
            WHERE 1=1
            AND = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}
            AND r.isActive = 1
            AND u.isActive = 1