I’m using Rails 4.2.3. I want to change the font of a select menu but I’m having trouble doing it. I installed the “bootstrap-sass” gem and added this to my stylesheet …
select {
font-family: 'Oxygen', sans-serif;
and then set up my select tag this way
<%= select_tag :state, options_for_select([["Select State", nil], *us_states]), {class: "form-control"} %>
but when my menu is rendered the options continue to have the normal font and not the one I specified. What else do I need to do to style my Rails select menu?
This should work for you:
<%= select_tag :state, options_for_select([["Select State", nil], *us_states]), class: 'states form-control' %>
You don't need to send it in a secondary hash.
I'd also consider adding a more identifiable class name for example:
.states {
font-family: 'Oxygen', sans-serif;