I'm using an Intel Edison running Debian. I need to use mraa::uart in a C++ program, but g++ can't find the functions I use. These are the steps I followed to install MRAA:
mkdir mraa/build && cd $_
make install
The cmake step had some errors and there was no makefile for the make step, but other C++ programs using mraa (gpio specifically) work. I tried installing cmake-3.2.2, but when following directions I got installation errors that I couldn't figure out. I don't think cmake is the issue though, because another Edison we're using worked fine with the same version of cmake.
Reinstalled cmake-3.2.2 twice. It eventually worked. Not sure how the other Edison worked without 3.2.2 or why the third attempt at installing cmake-3.2.2 worked. Once I got this working, I had to move the library files to my lib folder before things would compile