I am trying to install scitools with the hope of being able to use Easyviz. I installed scitools for windows as suggested in the first link. However, when I type from scitools.std import *
into python I get the following error message:
ImportError: No module named oldnumeric.mlab
numpy import failed!
see doc of scitools.numpytools module for how to choose Numeric instead
This was discussed here and categorized as fixed, however I don't see how I can make this work or how to fix it. Is there something I am supposed to do to make this work?
I encountered the same issue on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. However, such issue was not found on Trisquel GNU Linux. The solution which I found by randomly testing was - Do not import scitools. Just import numpy.
As an example if you were to write -
from scitools.std import *
simply do -
import numpy as np
and use numpy libraries. For plotting use matplotlib that will solve this issue.