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What is the difference between Firebase push-notifications and FCM messages?

Heloo, I am building an app where I am using push notifications via Firebase Console. I want to know what is a difference between simply push-notification and cloud message? Is it that messages from cloud messaging are data messages(have key and value) and notifications are just text without key and value?Am I right?


  • Firebase API has two types of messages, they call them:

    • notification
    • data


    1. notification - messages that goes directly to Android's Notification tray only if your application is in background/killed or gets delivered to onMessageReceived() method if your app is in foreground.


        "notification" : { "body" : "Hi"}
    1. data payload - Doesn't matter whether your application is in forground or background or killed, these messages will always be delivered to onMessageReceived() method.


        "data" : { "message" : "Hi", "whatever_key": "value"}

    Reference link

    IMPORTANT : You can't send data payload messages from Firebase Console, Console only delivers notification message. However using API you can send both type of messages.

    To send a data payload message you have to make a curl request:

    HTTP POST Request
    { "data": {
        "score": "5x1",
        "time": "15:10"
      "to" : "bk3RNwTe3H0:CI2k_HHwgIpoDKCIZvvDMExUdFQ3P1..."

    You can get the server key (AIzaSyZ-1u...0GBYzPu7Udno5aA), from firebase console: Your project -> settings -> Project settings -> Cloud messaging -> Server Key