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Tkinter withdraw oddness with pyHook

I have a Tkinter GUI application that I need to hide on a buttonpress. I cannot assume that the application will have focus, so I implemented pyHook, keylogger-style. However, whenever I call withdraw() from a function launched by pyHook, the window hangs and I have to force-close it.

To test, I added a button inside the GUI itself to call exactly the same function, and it works just fine. What's going on? 'hiding' prints both times, so I know it is really hanging on the withdraw() call itself.

Below is a minimal complete verifiable example to demonstrate what I mean:

from Tkinter import *
import threading
import time

    import pythoncom, pyHook
except ImportError:
    print 'The pythoncom or pyHook modules are not installed.'

# main gui box
class TestingGUI:
    def __init__(self, root):

        self.root = root

        self.button = Button(root, text="Withdraw", command=self.Hide) # works fine

    def ButtonPress(self, scancode, ascii):
        if scancode == 82:   # kp_0
            self.Hide() # hangs

    def Hide(self):
        print 'hiding'

root = Tk()
TestingGUI = TestingGUI(root)

def keypressed(event):
    key = chr(event.Ascii)
    # have to start thread in order to return True as required by pyHook
    threading.Thread(target=TestingGUI.ButtonPress, args=(event.ScanCode,key)).start()
    return True

def startlogger():
    obj = pyHook.HookManager()
    obj.KeyDown = keypressed

# need this to run at the same time
logger = threading.Thread(target=startlogger)
# quits on main program exit
logger.daemon = True

# main gui loop


  • Solved as per this answer here:

    Essentially, the function inside the Tkinter class responsible for dealing with keypresses, ButtonPress, cannot be called from another thread.