I'm beginning my studies with react native, however, when I opened a project with atom and the nuclide package, it gives me a message saying that wasn't possible to locate the flow binary in the PATH.
From a terminal I had run:
$ which flow
# Outputs: ~/.nvm/versions/node/v6.2.2/bin/flow
$ echo $PATH | tr -s ":" "\n"
# Outputs: /home/myuser/.nvm/versions/node/v6.2.2/bin ... and other paths
So, any clues why atom don't find it?
I have resolved my problem, it seems that nuclide has a setting to add the path to the flow binary. To change it you can
which flow
to find where your Flow executable lives and copy and paste that path.Nuclide-flow
and change the path of Path to Flow executable
to be the value of which flow
from terminal.