I'm trying to use Poco as a static library with dynamic runtime inside my project. I've downloaded the complete sources of Poco 1.7.3 and used the buildwin.bat
script to compile the libraries using my self-compiled OpenSSL 1.0.2h shared library (i.e. adjusted the path in buildwin.bat
Producing PocoXYZmd.lib
via buildwin.bat 140 build static_md debug Win32 nosamples notests msbuild
works fine.
However, when I try to link against PocoXYZmd.lib
inside my own project, the linker searches for PocoXYZ.lib
, the import library for PocoXYZ.dll
Building Poco with shared
and providing the PocoXYZ.lib
import libraries within the linker search path, I'm getting errors on Poco symbols being already defined (obviously).
Am I missing something crucial or is it a bug in Poco's build script?
I've configured Poco to ONLY build the following components: Foundation, XML, JSON, Util, Net, Crypto, NetSSL_OpenSSL.
In addition, I had to adjust the v140 vcxproj
-files of Crypto and NetSSL_OpenSSL to link to libeay32.lib
and ssleay32.lib
(the import libraries for the OpenSSL DLLs) instead of libeay32md.lib
and ssleay32md.lib
(no idea where these could come from based on the OpenSSL 1.0.2h build scripts).
I'm using Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 on Windows 7, doing everything within the 32bit Visual Studio Developer Prompt.
After re-reading the Poco documentation, I finally found the solution:
When using Poco statically on Windows, one must specify POCO_STATIC
when compiling the library/application using Poco, otherwise several #pragma comment
directives in Poco's headers will silently force linking to the DLL version of Poco.
Thanks, RTFM.