I've been working with web-forms and I want to switch to the MVC pattern based on some facts and other goodies that I see in it. I was going good with MVC review when I came across the latest Dynamic Data (which in past was called Dynamic Data Templates).
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe in backend both MVC2 & DD use the MVC pattern but then DD supports server-side controls and has a lot of automation using its latest scaffolding technique. We can make a running website with-in a few hours and DD handles most of it for us.
MS people day it is 'massively' flexible and configurable. However, as I went on looking for online resources I was disappointed (compared to the solutions available in MVC) a recent post from the asp.net forum hit me hard -
Re: Why I won't be using Dynamic Data any more - please read this Microsoft!
And it looks like a non-MS guy has done more in DD then the actual team! His website has some complex solutions - http://csharpbits.notaclue.net/
So, are MVC2 & DD actually two different things or how similar are they? Besides, a major concern I thought about DD is that it generates everything at runtime - doesn't that make it slow and less performance conscious compared to MVC?
Below, I've attached some of my screens which I've accomplished in Web-forms (I need to be able to plug such features in my web-app). For example, Grid-cascading, optimized pagination, header-filters, frozen grid-header, bulk edit, etc...grid-header, bulk edit, etc...
Please share your experience whether its wise to wait until DD matures and has enough documentation and solutions or is MVC anytime better?
Some Screens:
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe in backend both MVC2 & DD use the MVC
Yeah, thats wrong. DD is "ball of mud" pattern.
So, are MVC2 & DD actually two different things or how similar are they?
They are completely separate, do almost nothing the same and only share a common language and framework.
Please share your experience whether its wise to wait until DD matures and has enough >documentation and solutions or is MVC anytime better?
This is very localized to you and your project. I will use immature projects if they solve a need for personal projects but at work I'm willing to wait for stability.