I know it's been the convention in C89 to always return a 0 integer value from main in a C program, like this:
int main() {
/* do something useful here */
return 0;
This is to return a "successful" result to the operating system. I still consider myself a novice (or an intermediate programmer at best) in C, but to date I've never fully understood why this is important.
My guess is, this is a useful return result if you're tying the output of this program into the input of another, but I'm not sure. I've never found it useful, or maybe I just don't understand what the intention is.
My questions:
useful?When writing scripts (like in Bash, or CMD.exe on Windows) you can chain some commands with the && and || operators.
Canonically, a && b
will run b
if the result of a
is zero, and a || b
will run b
if a
returned nonzero.
This is useful if you wish to conditionally run a command if the previous one succeeded. For example, you would like to delete a file if it contains word foo. Then you will use :
grep foo myfile && rm myfile
returns 0 when there was a match, else nonzero.