I understand that I need to implement whitelists and prepared-statements into my php code. But I'm not sure how to do this with Postgresql and is it really necessary for my code? I'm using select lists to pass the users selected values to the query.
include "connect.php";
$table = $_POST['tableSelected'];
$field = $_POST['fieldSelected'];
$attribute = $_POST['attributeSelected'];
$operator = $_POST['operatorSelected'];
$fieldList = $_POST['fieldList'];
$fieldstr = $fieldList . ",ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(l.geom,4326))";
$sql = "SELECT $fieldstr
FROM $table l";
if (!empty($field) && !empty($operator) && !empty($attribute)) {
$sql .= " WHERE {$field} {$operator} '{$attribute}'";
echo ($sql);
Your code in it's current form is very dangerous, not only do you allow the user to decide what fields should be selected but you also allow him to decide what tables to query on. You should definitely carry out white list checking on these. eg:
if($_POST['tableSelected'] == 'acceptable_table1' || $_POST['tableSelected'] == 'acceptable_table2) {
$table = $_POST['tableSelected']
Similarly you should validate the field lists. But field list validation is going to be rather complicated because your fields are going to be dependent on the table. I suggest creating arrays and checking that the selection is in it.
$table1_fields = array('col1','col2',...)
$table2_fields = array('col1','col2',...)
As you know prepared statements can only be used to bind parameters. They cannot be used to fill in table names and column names. That's why you need both prepared statements and white listing. I recommend using PDO. It might look something like
$stmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT {$fieldlist} FROM {$table} where field = ?");