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How do I make Raspberry Pi 3 discoverable for iOS and CoreBluetooth?

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 and I am trying to make it discoverable for iOS devices. I ran sudo hciconfig hci0 piscan to make it discoverable. I can see it with my iMac.

On iOS, I am using CoreBluetooth and running a scan for nearby devices. I can discover several FitBit devices and my iMac, but the Raspberry Pi is not showing up.

Is there another setting that I have to enable for Bluetooth LE discoverability? Is the Raspberry Pi 3 compatible with iOS for bluetooth connectivity?

Thanks in advance. I appreciate any help with this.


  • After much research and some help from a Twitter friend, to enable the LE broadcast you have to use one of the following commands.

    sudo hciconfig hci0 leadv 0
    sudo hciconfig hci0 leadv 3

    The 0 indicates connectable.

    The 3 indicates non connectable.