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menuflyout choosed item passing to command mvvm

I'm trying to bind menuflyoutitem of choosen item in listview to Delete Command. Flyoutmenu shows when I'm holding element on list, so I can't bind it to SelectedItem property in viewmodel.

SelectedItem property works fine, but i have to tap element first and then hold item for showing menu and then delete. How can i pass sender from Holding to my property in viewmodel?


<Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
        <RowDefinition Height="*" />

    <TextBlock Grid.Row="0"
               Text="My List App"
               Style="{ThemeResource HeaderTextBlockStyle}" />
    <ListView x:Name="myListView"
              ItemsSource="{Binding AllMyLists}"
              SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedList, Mode=TwoWay}">
                        <core:EventTriggerBehavior EventName="Holding">
                            <controls:OpenMenuFlyoutAction />
                            <MenuFlyoutItem Text="Delete"
                                            Command="{Binding ElementName=myListView, Path=DataContext.DeleteEntryListCommand}" />
                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"
                               Style="{ThemeResource ListViewItemTextBlockStyle}" />

OpenMenuFlyoutAction for used for showing flyoutMenu:

public class OpenMenuFlyoutAction : DependencyObject, IAction
    public object Execute(object sender, object parameter)
        return sender;

And My ViewModel:

public class AllListsPageViewModel : Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Mvvm.ViewModel, Interfaces.IAllListsPageViewModel
    #region Fields

    private ObservableCollection<EntryList> _allMyLists;
    private EntryList _selectedList;

    private DelegateCommand _addEntryListCommand;
    private DelegateCommand _deleteEntryListCommand;

    private readonly INavigationService _navigationService;
    #endregion //Fields

    #region Construction

    public AllListsPageViewModel(INavigationService navigationService) { ... }
    #endregion //Construction

    #region Properties

    public ObservableCollection<EntryList> AllMyLists
        get { return _allMyLists; }
        set { SetProperty(ref _allMyLists, value); }

    public EntryList SelectedList
        get { return _selectedList; }
        set { SetProperty(ref _selectedList, value); }
    #endregion //Properties

    #region Methods

    private void loadData() { }

    private bool _canAddEntryList() { return true; }

    private void _addEntryList() { ... }

    private bool _canDeleteEntryList() { ... }

    private void _deleteEntryList()
        //How to get sender from holding event here?
    #endregion //Methods

    #region Commands

    public ICommand AddEntryListCommand { ... }

    public ICommand DeleteEntryListCommand
            if (_deleteEntryListCommand == null)
                _deleteEntryListCommand = new DelegateCommand(_deleteEntryList, _canDeleteEntryList);
            return _deleteEntryListCommand;
    #endregion //Commands

Thanks in advance.


  • I had the same problem today and I have resolved as follows:

    namespace your.namespace
        using Microsoft.Xaml.Interactivity;
        using Windows.UI.Xaml;
        using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives;
        using Windows.UI.Xaml.Input;
        public class OpenMenuFlyoutAction : DependencyObject, IAction
            private static object holdedObject;
            public object Execute(object sender, object parameter)
                FrameworkElement senderElement = sender as FrameworkElement;
                FlyoutBase flyoutBase = FlyoutBase.GetAttachedFlyout(senderElement);
                var eventArgs = parameter as HoldingRoutedEventArgs;
                if (eventArgs == null)
                    return null;
                var element = eventArgs.OriginalSource as FrameworkElement;
                if (element != null)
                    HoldedObject = element.DataContext;
                return null;
            public static object HoldedObject
                get { return holdedObject; }
                    holdedObject = value;

    Then you can access the object as follows:

    var foo = OpenMenuFlyoutAction.HoldedObject as Foo;

    I think it's not bad solution that the HoldedObject is static as you can not do hold two items at the same time.