If someone develops an ansible role, it can be easily distributed by creating a repo on github that will be available for installation through ansible-galaxy (very clear instructions).
What about modules?
Is there a similar "supporting framework" to release an open source ansible module (e.g., bunch of python files) so that it can be easily installed by users?
EDIT: in 2020, the best way is by creating an Ansible Collection. Collections allow for proper first-class namespacing, documentation, and distribution of all kinds of Ansible content, including roles, modules, and other plugin types.
Currently, the best way to do it is actually via the library
directory in a galaxy role. You can still get the roles (and bundled modules) installed and usable via a requirements file without actually needing to execute anything from the role. We're also looking at ways to make roles more library-esque themselves (eg, variable/empty entry-points, not just hardcoded to tasks/main.yml).