My project is to create an interactive program using the Micro:bit microprocessor I'm building a game which uses a drill motor as a controller of sorts reading the rotation direction and speed as inputs for control but my mentor also said it would be cool to power the board at the same time as the game is running so now I hit the situation where once I stop turning to change direction or my speed goes below transmitting 3.3 volts to power it then the game restarts and I lose all progress
I had the Idea of using a second micro:bit as a sort of storage place being powered by my computer and the two continuously communicating sending back player position and other objects on the LED's
but i can't figure out how to get the two Micro:bit's to talk to each other
If someone could just point me in the right direction or even set up some sort of communication to nudge me in the right direction as I start moving forward
i'm a high school student who doesn't know as much as I pretend to so I'll probably need a lot of help (i am more advanced then most in my class at this sort of thing so think of me as a tech gifted teenager thrown in with college students losing my undeserved ego day by day LOL) please help me somehow I'm currently completely lost
I don't think there is a way to do this in micropython (or at least simply), but the microbit runtime docs describe that, as well as supporting bluetooth, the 2.4 GHz radio:
However, it can also be placed into a much simpler mode of operation based that allows simple, direct micro:bit to micro:bit communication
In order to use this, you might need to write in c++
using the mbed environment (or offline) - but I hope this at least gives you a pointer to start from.