The other elements of the fragment get updated, only listview and gridview that don't. I can see in Logs that the adapter's content is getting changed, but the views only refresh when I click on them or onResume().
I have already tried adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() and adapter.notifyDataSetInvalidated() in UIThread, listview.invalidateViews() and gridview.invalidateViews() and also requestLayout(), requestFocus() and performClick(), as they refresh when I touch on the view area.
I have also tried to detach/attach the fragment.
When I try to gridview.setAdapter again, the content gets blank and is shown updated when I click on the gridview area.
I'm using AndroidAnnotations.
public class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
Fragment1 fragment1;
Fragment2 fragment2;
void whenSomethingHappens() {
public class Fragment1 extends Fragment {
GridView gridView;
MyAdapter1 adapter1;
void init() {
void onChange() {
adapter1.addAll(elements); // The elements are changed, but not the gridview
public class Fragment2 extends Fragment {
ListView listView;
MyAdapter2 adapter2;
void init() {
void onChange() {
adapter2.addAll(elements); // The elements are changed, but not the listView
public class Adapter1 extends ArrayAdapter<Model1> {
Context context;
public Adapter1(Context context) {
super(context, R.layout.model1_item);
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
Model1Item model1Item;
if (convertView == null) {
model1Item =;
} else {
model1Item = (Model1Item) convertView;
Model1 model1 = getItem(position);
return model1Item;
Adapter2 is the same as Adapter1 but with different models and items. The items are @ViewGroups just binding the model to the view elements.
EDIT: Right now, what's working best is requestFocusFromTouch(), but with a glitchy feel.
Figure out that I wasn't calling onChange in all cases and also it wasn't running on the UIThread as expected. So basically the code change is:
void onChange() {