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How do I build a Jekyll site from Rake task without using the command line?

I want to create a Rake task that builds a Jekyll site, then runs tests on the generated site, similar to the following:

require 'html/proofer'

task :test => [:build] do'./_site',{
                                 :only_4xx => true,
                                 :check_favicon => true,
                                 :check_html => true

task :build do
  system 'bundle exec jekyll build'

I'm relatively new to Ruby and I'm keen to gain more experience. Using system 'bundle exec jekyll build' in the build task seems a bit of a shortcut to me, so as an exercise I wanted to refactor this rake task to build the site using Jekyll::Commands::Build and therefore not calling a command line executable, as the above example does. I was hoping something like this would suffice:

# Including only the changed build task
require 'jekyll'

task :build do
  config = { 'source' => './', 'destination' => './_site' }
  site = site, config

However, I can't build the site using this task:

joenyland@Joes-MBP ~/Documents/ $ bundle exec rake build
rake aborted!
NoMethodError: undefined method `to_sym' for nil:NilClass
/Users/joenyland/.rvm/gems/ `initialize'
/Users/joenyland/Documents/ `new'
/Users/joenyland/Documents/ `block in <top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => build
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

How do I build an existing site from a Rake task without using the command line and instead use the Jekyll library directly?

As requested by @DavidJacquel in the comments below, I've thrown together a demo of the issue in a repo here.


  • The configuration should be a Jekyll.configuration instance:

    # Including only the changed build task
    require 'jekyll'
    task :build do
      config = Jekyll.configuration({ 
        'source' => './', 
        'destination' => './_site' 
      site = site, config