From the default knp menu bundle template:
{%- elseif matcher.isAncestor(item, options.matchingDepth) %}
{%- set classes = classes|merge([options.ancestorClass]) %}
options.ancestorClass is equal to 'current_ancestor'. Is there a way to override this? I dont want to copy the wohle block item code which covers 50 lines of code, from which I only need to change one value.
To apply default options in all your application, you can set the knp_menu.renderer.twig.options
parameter like this:
// app/config/services.yml
currentClass: active
Default options of the Knp\Menu\Renderer\TwigRenderer
$this->defaultOptions = array_merge(array(
'depth' => null,
'matchingDepth' => null,
'currentAsLink' => true,
'currentClass' => 'current',
'ancestorClass' => 'current_ancestor',
'firstClass' => 'first',
'lastClass' => 'last',
'template' => $template,
'compressed' => false,
'allow_safe_labels' => false,
'clear_matcher' => true,
'leaf_class' => null,
'branch_class' => null,
), $defaultOptions);
{{ knp_menu_render('AcmeDemoBundle:Builder:mainMenu', {'ancestorClass': 'your-class'}) }}
From this link