I made this code:
/*here is the main function*/
int x , y=0, returned_value;
int *p = &x;
while (y<5){
printf("Please Insert X value\n");
returned_value = scanf ("%d" , p);
validate_input(returned_value, p);
the function:
void validate_input(int returned_value, int *p){
while (returned_value!=1){
printf("invalid input, Insert Integers Only\n");
returned_value = scanf("%d", p);
Although it is generally working very well but when I insert for example "1f1" , it accepts the "1" and does not report any error and when insert "f1f1f" it reads it twice and ruins the second read/scan and so on (i.e. first read print out "invalid input, Insert Integers Only" and instead for waiting again to re-read first read from the user, it continues to the second read and prints out again "invalid input, Insert Integers Only" again...
It needs a final touch and I read many answers but could not find it.
If you don't want to accept 1f1
as valid input then scanf
is the wrong function to use as scanf
returns as soon as it finds a match.
Instead read the whole line and then check if it only contains digits. After that you can call sscanf
Something like:
#include <stdio.h>
int validateLine(char* line)
int ret=0;
// Allow negative numbers
if (*line && *line == '-') line++;
// Check that remaining chars are digits
while (*line && *line != '\n')
if (!isdigit(*line)) return 0; // Illegal char found
ret = 1; // Remember that at least one legal digit was found
return ret;
int main(void) {
char line[256];
int i;
int x , y=0;
while (y<5)
printf("Please Insert X value\n");
if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin)) // Read the whole line
if (validateLine(line)) // Check that the line is a valid number
// Now it should be safe to call sscanf - it shouldn't fail
// but check the return value in any case
if (1 != sscanf(line, "%d", &x))
printf("should never happen");
// Legal number found - break out of the "while (y<5)" loop
printf("Illegal input %s", line);
if (y<5)
printf("x=%d\n", x);
printf("no more retries\n");
return 0;
Please Insert X value
Illegal input 1f1
Please Insert X value
Illegal input f1f1
Please Insert X value
Illegal input
Please Insert X value
Another approach - avoid scanf
You could let your function calculate the number and thereby bypass scanf completely. It could look like:
#include <stdio.h>
int line2Int(char* line, int* x)
int negative = 0;
int ret=0;
int temp = 0;
if (*line && *line == '-')
negative = 1;
else if (*line && *line == '+') // If a + is to be accepted
line++; // If a + is to be accepted
while (*line && *line != '\n')
if (!isdigit(*line)) return 0; // Illegal char found
ret = 1;
// Update the number
temp = 10 * temp;
temp = temp + (*line - '0');
if (ret)
if (negative) temp = -temp;
*x = temp;
return ret;
int main(void) {
char line[256];
int i;
int x , y=0;
while (y<5)
printf("Please Insert X value\n");
if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin))
if (line2Int(line, &x)) break; // Legal number - break out
printf("Illegal input %s", line);
if (y<5)
printf("x=%d\n", x);
printf("no more retries\n");
return 0;