Developing a script in PowerShell, I require to call an external executable file(.exe). currently I am developing this script with a TDD approach, therefore I require to mock the called to this .exe file.
I try this :
Describe "Create-NewObject" {
Context "Create-Object" {
It "Runs" {
Mock '& "c:\temp\my.exe"' {return {$true}}
Create-Object| Should Be $true
I got this response:
Describing Create-NewObject
Context Create-Object
[-] Runs 574ms
CommandNotFoundException: Could not find Command & "C:\temp\my.exe"
at Validate-Command, C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pester\Functions\Mock.ps1: line 801
at Mock, C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pester\Functions\Mock.ps1: line 168
at <ScriptBlock>, C:\T\Create-NewObject.tests.ps1: line 13
Tests completed in 574ms
Passed: 0 Failed: 1 Skipped: 0 Pending: 0 Inconclusive: 0
Is there a way to mock this kind of calls without encapsulate them inside a function?
I found a way to mock the call to this executable files:
function Create-Object
$exp = '& "C:\temp\my.exe"'
Invoke-Expression -Command $exp
And the test with the mock should looks like:
Describe "Create-NewObject" {
Context "Create-Object" {
It "Runs" {
Mock Invoke-Expression {return {$true}} -ParameterFilter {($Command -eq '& "C:\temp\my.exe"')
Create-Object| Should Be $true