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webservice over HTTPS with self-signed cert in ColdFusion?

How to enable webservice call over HTTPS with self-signed cert in ColdFusion 9?

According to the doc, <cfhttp> should work, but how about <cfinvoke>?

If I use cfhttp, do I still need to install the cert as outlined here?

I tried simply using https in cfinvoke, I got SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated exception.



  • If I use cfhttp, do I still need to install the cert as outlined here?


    For secure connections to remote servers over SSL, all current versions of ColdFusion require the remote system's SSL certificate to exist in ColdFusion's certificate truststore.

    That would include both cfhttp and cfinvoke.

    Simply put, there is no way around importing the certificate into the truststore when it is self-signed.