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Possible Glitch found in JavaFX

Sorry, the title is vague, but I think I found a glitch in JavaFX BorderPane class, but I'm not positive. So what I'm doing is running this method inside a javaFx Concurrent Task object which is inside a Thread. This method works all the way up until it hits the print statements. It prints out 1 and then doesn't move past the root.setCenter method. If I comment out that code it moves on, otherwise it gets stuck on it like it's in a infinite loop. It is important to note that the root (a boderpane object) is locally stored within the JavaFX main Thread. Thanks for any suggestions.

  // will be used to store all the sites we still need to visit so we can do
  // a breadth first graph traversal of the hostsite
  Queue<URL> unvistedURLs = new LinkedList<>();
  LinkedList<Text> currentLevelText = new LinkedList<>();
  Queue<URL> levelCheckpoints = new LinkedList<>();
  int currentLevelHieght = 0;

  // the origional host
  String hostName = origin.getHost();

  // temporary objects
  HTMLLinks endHTMLLinks = null;
     endHTMLLinks = new HTMLLinks(origin);
  catch (IOException e1)
     // TODO Auto-generated catch block

  HostSiteInfo hostSiteInfo = new HostSiteInfo();
  URL currentURL;
  Group displayArea = new Group();

  // imediatley input the host as a site we need to visit

public void start(Stage primaryStage)
     final BorderPane root = new BorderPane();
     Scene scene = new Scene(root, 1600, 1000);

     Thread renderThread = new Thread(new Task(){

        protected Object call() throws Exception

                    new URL(""),
                    new PrintStream(System.out));
           catch (MalformedURLException e)
              // TODO Auto-generated catch block

           return null;


The root of the JavaFx app is initialized in the this start method.


  • Assuming root.setCenter is called inside the Task (this is unclear from your code), you are getting an exception because you are trying to modify the scene graph from a thread other than the JavaFX UI thread. Since this is done inside a Task, the exception is caught by the task and you end up not seeing it.

    To solve this problem replace root.setCenter(displayArea) with

    Platform.runLater(() -> root.cetCenter(displayArea)); 

    See Platform#runLater.

    To be able to catch such problems, it is probably best to set an onFailed handler to your Task:

    Task<Void> myTask = new Task<>() {
    myTask.setOnFailed(workerStateEvent -> {
         System.out.println("Something wrong happened...");
         // Or handle the problem however suits your application. 