I am developing a UWP app which is targeted on both Desktop and Mobile. At some point in the app the following code is used
var success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri(uri), new Windows.System.LauncherOptions { ContentType = mimeType });
This code works as it should on Desktop. For example when the URI is that of an image (like this one https://support.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/pigeony.jpg that I have tried) the Photos app is launched and the photo is displayed.
On mobile however the exact same code, with the exact same arguments throws an Exception.
Message: The method or operation is not implemented
StackTrace: at Windows.System.LauncherOptions.put_ContentType(String value) at MyApp.Services.PresentationService.d__7.MoveNext()
The problem seems to be with the LauncherOptions because if I remove them from the call the image opens normally in the browser. (However this is not acceptable functionality, I need to launch the appropriate application).
According to documentation there should be no differences between windows 10 and windows 10 mobile concerning the LaunchUriAsync method. Does anybody know what is going on?
According to documentation there should be no differences between windows 10 and windows 10 mobile concerning the LaunchUriAsync method
Actually, the LauncherOptions.ContentType
property is only implemented on Desktop devices, see Remark in here
Important This property is only implemented on Desktop devices.
However this is not acceptable functionality, I need to launch the appropriate application
Currently, there is no simple/direct way to implement this on Mobile, there are some workarounds, for example: Download Images to Local folder/Picture folder, opening Photo apps or showing them in your app
var options = new Windows.System.LauncherOptions();
var df = Windows.System.Profile.AnalyticsInfo.VersionInfo.DeviceFamily;
if (df == "Windows.Desktop")
options.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
//Omitted, save network images into Picture folder
uriToLaunch = "ms-photos:///"; //Launch Photo app
var uri = new Uri(uriToLaunch);
// Launch the URI with the content type
var success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(uri, options);
BTW, please submit your feature request using the Feedback app, this is a good way to let MS know what users/developers need.