What is the current list of Icon Sizes and Names? Using Xcode 7
Example Launch set:
iPhone3g : 320 x 480
iPhone4/4s : 640 x 960
iPhone5/5s : 640 x 1136
iPhone6 : 750 x 1334
iPhone 6plus : 1242 x 2208
iPhone3g : 'Default.png'
iPhone4/4s : 'Default@2x.png'
iPhone5/5s : 'Default-568h@2x.png'
iPhone6 : 'Default-667h@2x.png'
iPhone6plus : 'Default-736h@3x.png'
Here is a matrix of the sizes from Apple.
Update: The link is gone, but a copy is available here -
Here is an updated link on Apple's site. It is not quite the same page, but it is similar.