JS leaflet allows two maps to be synchronized. See an example of synchronized leaflet maps here.
I would like to implement synchronized leaflet maps in R
and more specifially in Rmarkdown/knitr
Preferably, the maps should shown next to each other horizontally (just like in the example).
Here is a minimal Rmarkdown (.Rmd
) example of two maps I would like to sync.
The solution does not have to be based on the the mapview
package. Any solution is welcome really (-:
title: "How to sync 2 leaflet maps"
author: "me"
date: "2 April 2016"
output: html_document
```{r SETUP, include=FALSE}
# load example data
coordinates(meuse) <- ~x+y
proj4string(meuse) <- CRS("+init=epsg:28992")
```{r MAPS}
mapView(meuse, zcol="copper")@map # MAP 1
mapview(meuse, zcol="soil")@map # MAP 2
Note, we have implemented the answer provided by @timelyportfolio in package mapview so that this is now easily achievable using mapview::sync()
. See ?mapview::sync
for instructions and examples.