I have the following code that is intended to find the users you are following, and the users that you have requested to follow. It then unfollows the one's that are not following you. However it never actually seem's to work, however the AuthenticatedUser_UnFollowUser returns true. Any ideas? Thanks.
private void AuthenticateUser()
Auth.SetUserCredentials(_consumerKey, _consumerSecret, _userAccessToken, _userAccessSecret);
authenticatedUser = User.GetAuthenticatedUser();
private void CheckRateLimits()
// Enable RateLimit Tracking
RateLimit.RateLimitTrackerMode = RateLimitTrackerMode.TrackAndAwait;
TweetinviEvents.QueryBeforeExecute += (sender, args) =>
var queryRateLimits = RateLimit.GetQueryRateLimit(args.QueryURL);
// Some methods are not RateLimited. Invoking such a method will result in the queryRateLimits to be null
if (queryRateLimits != null)
if (queryRateLimits.Remaining > 0)
AppendProgress("RateLimits Available : " + queryRateLimits.Remaining.ToString());
// We have enough resource to execute the query
// Strategy #1 : Wait for RateLimits to be available
AppendProgress("Waiting for RateLimits until : " + queryRateLimits.ResetDateTime.ToLongTimeString() + "For " + queryRateLimits.ToString());
MessageBox.Show("Waiting for " + queryRateLimits.ResetDateTime.ToLongTimeString());
// Strategy #2 : Use different credentials
//var alternateCredentials = TwitterCredentials.CreateCredentials("", "", "", "");
//var twitterQuery = args.TwitterQuery;
//twitterQuery.OAuthCredentials = alternateCredentials;
// Strategy #3 : Cancel Query
//args.Cancel = true;
private void UnfollowUsersNotFollowingYou()
var toUnfollow = Examples.Friendship_GetUsersNotFollowingYou();
toUnfollow.ForEach(x =>
if (Examples.AuthenticatedUser_UnFollowUser(x.ScreenName))
AppendProgress("You have unfollowed " + x.ScreenName);
//From Examples Static Class
public static bool AuthenticatedUser_UnFollowUser(string userName)
var authenticatedUser = User.GetAuthenticatedUser();
var userToFollow = User.GetUserFromScreenName(userName);
bool unfollowed = authenticatedUser.UnFollowUser(userToFollow);
return unfollowed;
//Users Not Following You
public static IEnumerable<IUser> Friendship_GetUsersNotFollowingYou()
var currentuser = Examples.User_GetCurrentUserScreenname();
var followers = Examples.User_GetFriendIds(currentuser);
var following = Examples.Friendship_GetUsersYouRequestedToFollow();
var toUnfollow = following.Where(x => followers != x.FriendIds);
return toUnfollow;
I am the developer of Tweetinvi. I have just verified and unfollow
like follow seems to work properly. Could you please verify that you are using the latest version of Tweetinvi (
Also please note that Unfollow will return success even if the user was not followed. This is what Twitter is returning and there is nothing I can do about that.
The problem came from the fact that @david-beamont was not retrieving the users properly.
Here is the code to get the following users :
var authenticatedUser = User.GetAuthenticatedUser();
var friends = authenticatedUser.GetFriends();