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INSERT with dynamic column names

I have column names stored in variable colls, next I execute code:

DO $$
v_name text :=  quote_ident('colls');
EXECUTE 'insert into table1 select '|| colls ||' from table2 ';
-- EXECUTE 'insert into table1 select '|| v_name ||' from table2 ';

I have got error: column "colls" does not exist. Program used colls as name not as variable. What am I doing wrong?

I have found similar example in documentation:


  • I have column names stored in variable colls

    No, you don't. You have a variable v_name - which holds a single word: 'colls'. About variables in SQL:

    Read the chapters Identifiers and Key Words and Constants in the manual.

    And if you had multiple column names in a single variable, you could not use quote_ident() like that. It would escape the whole string as a single identifier.

    I guess the basic misunderstanding is this: 'colls' is a string constant, not a variable. There are no other variables in a DO statement than the ones you declare in the DECLARE section. You might be looking for a function that takes a variable number of column names as parameter(s) ...

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_insert_these_columns(VARIADIC _cols text[])
      RETURNS void AS
       EXECUTE (
          SELECT 'INSERT INTO table1 SELECT '
              || string_agg(quote_ident(col), ', ')
              || ' FROM table2'
          FROM   unnest(_cols) col
    $func$  LANGUAGE plpgsql;


    SELECT f_insert_these_columns('abd', 'NeW Deal');          -- column names case sensitive!
    SELECT f_insert_these_columns(VARIADIC '{abd, NeW Deal}'); -- column names case sensitive!

    Note how I unnest the array of column names and escape them one by one.
    A VARIADIC parameter should be perfect for your use case. You can either pass a list of column names or an array.
    Either way, be vary of SQL injection.
    Related, with more explanation: