We started using images for convenient storage of TypedArrays via the ImageData object of canvas. But this fails due to pre-multiplying .. limiting us to 24 bits of data. We're limping along with this but would love a 32 bit solution.
We want to convert to use of any TypedArray or its ArrayBuffer. But these suffer from lack of compression.
Any interesting ways to compress them? LZMA-JS? JSzip? Figure out how to make non-premultiplied pngs? Other?
ImageData will provide you with 32-bits (RGB + alpha channel). The pre-multipling part refer to the alpha channel and the rounding errors due to integer values being used (there is no way around this unless you want to make a custom floating point based bitmap, which is possible but slow(er)). You would still get 32-bit data but with some rounding errors here and there.
For the data you could then use the Pako implementation of the zlib port for JavaScript. It's fast and 100% compatible with the original implementation result-wise, and offers good compression.
It returns an Uint8Array
which can be converted to a Blob or ArrayBuffer
for storage with f.ex. IndexedDB
or transferred over the net.
Compress data:
// assuming CORS requirements are fulfilled:
var data = ctx.getImageData(x, y, width, height).data;
var comp = pako.deflate(data);
Decompress data:
try {
var data = pako.inflate(comp);
var idata = new ImageData(width, height); // or via getImageData()
ctx.putImageData(idata, x, y);
catch (err) {