I'm using Luajit 2.0.4 on Ubuntu 16.04
I have a simple C library.
int five() {
return 5;
I compile it like so
gcc -o five.so -shared -fPIC -Wall -Werror five.c
In the same directory I have a lua script
local ffi = require("ffi")
int five();
I've also tried it with an absolute path.
local ffi = require("ffi")
local fh = assert(io.popen("pwd", "r"))
local cwd = assert(fh:read())
ffi.load(cwd .. "/five.so")
int five();
When I run
luajit five.lua
I get this
luajit: five.lua:6: luajit: undefined symbol: five
stack traceback:
[C]: in function '__index'
five.lua:6: in main chunk
[C]: at 0x004044a0
How do I load a shared object in the current working directory in luajit?
That's correct. The reason is that ffi.C
points to a namespace to access the standard C-runtime (plus some additional libraries depending on your OS). From LuaJIT docs:
This is the default C library namespace [...] — note the uppercase 'C'. It binds to the default set of symbols or libraries on the target system. These are more or less the same as a C compiler would offer by default, without specifying extra link libraries.
If you want to call a C-function from an external library you need to:
, so LuaJIT knows how
to call that function. Your code can be reworked as:
local ffi = require("ffi")
local lib = ffi.load("five")
int five();
In addition, it's not necessary to add .os
suffix. To resolve library names, the package.cpath
variable is used. It works like package.path
variable. Question marks (?) are replaced by the library name.
$ luajit -e "print(package.cpath)"