I'm confused as to how exactly to update a resource using $save. I've read the angular resource documentation and looked at other posts on stack overflow but I cannot seem to perform an update operation on an existing object.
For example, I have an event object and I want to update its name and location properties. I have the start of a function that correctly takes in the eventId of a singular event.
Here is the function so far:
eventService.updateEvent = function (eventId, eventName, eventLocation) {
// Defines the resource (WORKS)
var Event = $resource('/api/events/:id/', {id:'@_id'});
// Gets the event we're talking about (WORKS)
var event = Event.get({'id': eventId});
// TODO update event
How do i successfully update this resource?
Figured it out!
When I defined the resource, I defined the PUT operation as a custom method called 'update'.
I called get on that resource and looked up a particular object by ID. Using a promise, I was able to update the resource using the 'update method' if the object was found, else throw an error.
eventService.updateEvent = function (eventId,eventName,eventLocation) {
// Define the event resource, adding an update method
var Event = $resource('/api/events/:id/', {id:'@_id'},
method: 'PUT'
// Use get method to get the specific object by ID
// If object found, update. Else throw error
Event.get({'id': eventId}).$promise.then(function(res) {
// Success (object was found)
// Set event equal to the response
var e = res;
// Pass in the information that needs to be updated
e.name = eventName;
e.location = eventLocation;
// Update the resource using the custom method we created
}, function(errResponse) {
// Failure, throw error (object not found)
alert('event not found');