I get this error message while submiting my Xamarin.IOS application to App Store.
ERROR ITMS-90096: "Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 - New iPhone apps and app updates submitted must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5 and must include a launch image referenced in the Info.plist under UILaunchImages with a UILaunchImageSize value set to {320, 568}. Launch images must be PNG files and located at the top-level of your bundle, or provided within each .lproj folder if you localize your launch images.
I have already removed alpha channed and removed transparency from 4-inch launch image on iTunes Connect.
But do I have to remove the alpha channel from every launch image that I have submitted to iTunes Connect
and even also from all launch images that I have selected in xcassets on Xamarin Studio
This problem has solved when I do this :
and this time its successfuly submitted.