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How to disable XMLUnit DTD validation?

I am trying to compare two XHTML documents using XMLUnit 2.2.0. However, it is taking too long. I guess the library is downloading DTD files from Internet.

How can I disable DTD validation? I am using the following test code:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Diff d =
                     "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \n"
                    +"     \"\">\n"
                    +"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
                    +"     <head></head>\n"
                    +"     <body>some content 1</body>\n"
                     "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \n"
                    +"     \"\">\n"
                    +"<html xmlns=\"\">\n"
                    +"     <head></head>\n"
                    +"     <body>some content 2</body>\n"
            for (Difference dd: d.getDifferences()) {

Reading the XMLUnit Javadoc of DiffBuilder.withDocumentBuilderFactory(), I thought I could do this setting a document builder factory like this...

DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

dbf.setFeature("", false);
dbf.setFeature("", false);
dbf.setFeature("", false);

Diff d =

It did not work. My code runs fast just when I remove the DOCTYPE definition from the XHTML snippets.


  • withDocumentBuilderFactory is exactly what you want to use but unfortunately ignoreWhitespace defeats it.

    Under the covers DiffBuilder creates a WhitespaceStrippedSource which creates a DOM Document without using the DocumentBuilderFactory you've configured. This is a bug. Do you want to create an issue for this?

    A workaround using XMLUnit 2.2.0 is to create the Documents yourself, something like

    Document control = Convert.toDocument(Input.fromString(...).build(), dbf);
    Document test = ...
    Diff d =

    Edit: The bug has been fixed in XMLUnit 2.2.1 and the code of the question should now work without any changes.