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Best way to handle (sub) types of the form `{ x : nat | x >= 13 /\ x <= 19 }`?

Coq would let me define this :

Definition teenagers : Set := { x : nat | x >= 13 /\ x <= 19 }.

and also :

Variable Julia:teenagers.

but not :

Example minus_20 : forall x:teenagers, x<20.

or :

Example Julia_fact1 : Julia > 12.

This is because Julia (of type teenagers) cannot be compared to 12 (nat).

Q: How should I inform Coq that Julia's support type is nat so that I can write anything useful about her ?

Q': My definition of teenagers seems like a dead end ; it is more declarative than constructive and I seem to have lost inductive properties of nat. How can I show up its inhabitants ? If there is no way, I can still stick to nat and work with Prop and functions. (newbie here, less than one week self learning with Pierce's SF).


  • The pattern you are using in teenagers is an instance of the "subType" pattern. As you have noted, a { x : nat | P x } is different from nat. Currently, Coq provides little support to handle these kind of types effectively, but if you restrict to "well-behaved" classes of P, you can actually work in a reasonable way. [This should really become a Coq FAQ BTW]

    In the long term, you may want to use special support for this pattern. A good example of such support is provided by the math-comp library subType interface.

    Describing this interface is beyond your original question, so I will end with a few comments:

    • In your minus_20 example, you want to use the first projection of your teenagers datatype. Try forall x : teenagers, proj1_sig x < 20. Coq can try to insert such projection automatically if you declare the projection as a Coercion:

      Require Import Omega.
      Definition teenagers : Set :=
        { x : nat | x >= 13 /\ x <= 19 }.
      Coercion teen_to_nat := fun x : teenagers => proj1_sig x.
      Implicit Type t : teenagers.
      Lemma u t : t < 20.
      Proof. now destruct t; simpl; omega. Qed.
    • As you have correctly observed, { x : T | P x } is not the same in Coq than x. In principle, you cannot transfer reasoning from objects of type T to objects of type { x : T | P x } as you must also reason in addition about objects of type P x. But for a wide class of P, you can show that the teen_to_nat projection is injective, that is:

      forall t1 t2, teen_to_nat t1 = teen_to_nat t2 -> t1 = t2.

      Then, reasoning over the base type can be transferred to the subtype. See also: Inductive subset of an inductive set in Coq

    [edit]: I've added a couple typical examples of subTypes in math-comp, as I think they illustrate well the concept:

    • Sized lists or n.-tuples. A list of length n is represented in math-comp as a pair of a single list plus a proof of size, that is to say n.-tuple T = { s : seq T | size s == n}. Thanks to injectivity and coertions, you can use all the regular list functions over tuples and they work fine.
    • Bounded natural or ordinals: similarly, the type 'I_n = { x : nat | x < n } works almost the same than a natural number, but with a bound.