I want to pass a numpy array into some(one else's) C++ code via CFFI. Assume I cannot (in any sense) change the C++ code, whose interface is:
double CompactPD_LH(int Nbins, double * DataArray, void * ParamsArray ) {
I pass Nbins as a python integer, ParamsArray as a dict -> structure, but DataArray (shape = 3 x NBins, which needs to be populated from a numpy array, is giving me a headache. (cast_matrix from Why is cffi so much quicker than numpy? isn't helping here :(
Here's one attempt that fails:
from blah import ffi,lib
DataArray=cast_matrix(data,ffi) # see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23056057/why-is-cffi-so-much-quicker-than-numpy/23058665#23058665
For reference, cast_matrix was:
def cast_matrix(matrix, ffi):
ap = ffi.new("double* [%d]" % (matrix.shape[0]))
ptr = ffi.cast("double *", matrix.ctypes.data)
for i in range(matrix.shape[0]):
ap[i] = ptr + i*matrix.shape[1]
return ap
How to pass a Numpy array into a cffi function and how to get one back out?
Thanks @morningsun!
DataArray = ffi.cast("double *",dd.ctypes.data)