Can someone tell me why example 1 is not working but example 2 works? (I pipe a data set into mean function, but want only one variable, but if I do the selection first and pipe the result there is no problem)
iris %>% mean(.$Sepal.Length)
Warning message:
In mean.default(., .$Sepal.Length) :
argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA
iris %>% .$Sepal.Length %>% mean()
If you unpipe your code
iris %>% mean(.$Sepal.Length)
mean(iris, iris$Sepal.Length)
Essentially, you're trying to apply mean
to a data.frame
and there's no method for doing that.
The unpiped equivalent of
iris %>% .$Sepal.Length %>% mean()
And there is a method of mean
for numeric vectors.
Remember that in a pipe, the entire object on the left hand side of the pipe is passed to the first argument on the right hand side (unless otherwise represented by arg = .
). Trying to pass only part of the object tends not to work so well.