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Android how to get specific preference?

I have the following code in my application in res/xml/preferences.xml:

<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android="">
<PreferenceCategory android:title="Wi-Fi settings">




And I was wondering is it possible for me to then use this preference in code so I can update it via downloading an xml file?

So I currently display the above preference in a PreferenceActivity, which works fine, however I want to be able to update the setting by downloading a new setting every week from the internet.

So my question is how do I open this preference in code and set its value to the new downloaded value?


  • As McStretch said, you have to get the preference with

    sharedPreferences = getSharedPreferences("com.yourname.yourapp_preference", 0);
    Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();
    editor.putString("your_optionname", "newValue");
    // Save

    The com.yourname.yourapp_preference is the name of the xml file. It's typically located at /data/data/com.yourname.yourapp/shared_prefs/com.yourname.yourapp_preference.xml

    Just check out that directory in to see how your file is named, but basically it should by default be packagename_perference.xml