I'm using Yii2 to generate a popover on a label, but having some trouble to remove the default HTML encoding. I'm not sure that the popover can be created for just the label without HTML encoding and what the correct way to do this is, it must be possible though as Gii uses some variant of this code? This is what I've tried:
<?= $form->field($model, 'function')->textInput(['maxlength' => true])
->label(null, [
'class' => 'dashed-line',
'data-toggle' => 'popover',
'data-content' => 'This will be ran through <code>strtolower()</code>',
'data-placement' => 'right',
'encodeLabel'=> false]) ?>
['labelOptions' => ['encode' => false]]
<?= $form->field($model, ['labelOptions' => ['encode' => false]] ,
'function')->textInput(['maxlength' => true])
->label(null, [
'class' => 'dashed-line',
'data-toggle' => 'popover',
'data-content' => 'This will be ran through <code>strtolower()</code>',
'data-placement' => 'right',
) ?>
you can use label option for setting the encode false of label attribute
<?= $form->field($model,
'function')->textInput(['maxlength' => true])
->label(null, [
'class' => 'dashed-line',
'data-toggle' => 'popover',
'data-content' => 'This will be ran through <code>strtolower()</code>',
'data-placement' => 'right',
'encode' => false,
) ?>