I use SharedPreference to save username after user login to my app and clear it if user logout.
I will check that value when start app, if that value null user need login to use.
However when I check with android 6.0:
Login (save username - Toast show not null) > Logout (remove username - Toast show null) > Remove App > Reinstall app > StartApp (not login - Toast show not null, this value is user that used => issue)
This issue no occur with android < 6.0
Here is my code:
init sharedpreference in Application:
public static SharedPreferences getPref() {
return mInstance.getSharedPreferences(PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
Check to login:
if (App.getPref().getString("username", null) == null){
Save if login success:
.putString("username", s.getLoggedInUser().getUsername())
.putString("profilePicUrl", s.getLoggedInUser().getProfilePicUrl())
.putString("pk", s.getLoggedInUser().getPk())
Clear when logout:
This is because of Automatic Backups. introduced in Marshmallow .
It will take your data backup and used that backup at the time of reinstall .
If you want to turn off it from settings -> Backup & reset -> automatic restore
But for your app I suggest make the shared pref.
with key "username" to null at the time of logout and commit.
or Simply make
in your Manifest