Is it bad/illegal C++ to delete manually objects from a stack or there are situation when it is acceptable?
Constructor(pointer parent, pointer left, pointer right):parent_(parent),left_(left), right_(right)
{ }
delete parent_;
delete left_;
delete right_;
Object parent;
Object left;
Object right;
Constructor c(&parent,&left,&right);
Is there any way to check if object is on heap or on stack?
Yes, it is bad to delete
automatic variables (ie, objects on the stack). I suppose there is still no "never" in programming, but I can't think of a time/reason why you would want to do this.
What scenario are you thinking of?
EDIT: Actually, not only is it bad, it is illegal:
1: The delete-expression operator destroys a most derived object (1.8) or array created by a new-expression.