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How to close an alert after some time and repeat it every 10 min

In my MAC OSX application. I am throwing a an alert pop up asking user to select yes or no. if user doesnt click any of the choices and may drag it to some corner. So i wanted to autoclose it after some time and again show the same alert. so i can ensure him to take same action. Alert code i am using is

-(bool)VpnStatusUnableToConnect:(NSString *)alertMessage
    if (nil != alertMessage) {
        NSImage *alertIcon = [NSImage imageNamed:@"dock-alert"]; //my custom image placed in support files
        NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc]init];
        [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Try Again"];
        [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Cancel"];
        [alert setMessageText:alertMessage];
        [alert setAlertStyle:NSWarningAlertStyle];
        [alert setIcon:alertIcon];
        [[alert window] setTitle:@"VPN Connection Status"];
        [[alert window] setBackgroundColor: NSColor.whiteColor];
        if ( [alert runModal] ==  NSAlertFirstButtonReturn)
            return 1;
            return 0;
    return 0;



  • Modify your code as below and give a try

        NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
        [alert addButtonWithTitle: @"OK"];
        [alert setMessageText: @"Attention!!! This a critical Alert."];
        [alert setAlertStyle: NSInformationalAlertStyle];
        NSTimer *myTimer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:3
                                                 selector: @selector(killWindow:)
        [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:myTimer forMode:NSModalPanelRunLoopMode];
        int choice = 0;
        choice = [alert runModal];
        if(choice != 0)
            [myTimer invalidate];
    -(void) killWindow:(NSAlert *)alert with:(NSTimer *) theTimer;
            [[alert window] abortModal];